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dünya güzel kızlar hello, i am samsun gözde özdemir i have written to you before when I published
i wanted to tell you about this, my brother erdem, I’ve never slept with anyone
i know he slept with me first, when my family went to sinop, I sorted at home and
i was walking with a strappy girl, my brother just woke up on the corridor to the toilet
when we were eating, he almost came out in his tight-fitting pajamas, I
i looked, I stayed, when my brother saw what I was looking at, he stopped and got embarrassed
when I went to the toilet, I knocked on the door, the child cagaz 31 was shooting, obviously ruya
he saw that I immediately went to my room and took out my short skirt, took out my water and got a little
when I was a girl, only sex stories were in the middle of my eyes when erdem came out of the toilet
i said I’d make you dinner, okay, she said it’s okay to eat in the kitchen
while preparing, I put the pot in the top of the kitchen cabinet and told my brother
erdem, can you help me, i can’t get the pot, i said get the merdiven, room
he made me look like a little girl in a little skirt and then froze
he stayed, don’t look at him, so i said be quick, okay, sister, he said he would get out.
he was going to take kendi, I’ll stop you, I’ll take it, if you don’t know which one it is
i said you hold the merdiven, okay, he said when the merdiven came out, erdem from below
my legs squirming through my skirt and my pussy being forcibly pulled up by my thong
he was watching, and I saw that he was fixing it tight, you’re doing it to your sister
i’ll see if you’re shooting 31, i’d bag diye, no, sis, he said go down and
i held you tight, do you want to squeeze me, I tried and put it on your lips, sister
he said shut up, just leave it to me, I said I’d take out the things you had and
she only stayed with the hair, hadi, come lick your sister, let me see my diyp skirt
i took off my shirt and my thong erdem took my gogusler into his mouth to become a novice
although we were sucking like that, I was crazy when I called my pussy in the room
the first time i came down, i licked his head when he said sis, i gomdum pussy swallow him hadi
ah, lick my brother, you were saying you were me and you were exciting him more in the room
he wasn’t telling me you’re not, he was licking me, I was racially wasted, now it’s your turn
i said I’d empty you, and I’d take your hair down and pull it tight 17
i took a centimeter to my mouth, my brother, my sister was saying me and crying, holding on
he was empty for two minutes, i swallowed all his sperm, when he got a little tired, he had often
i said me, sister, you’re not called a girl, my brother, I said you’d be frequent, too
i rolled over and showed the hole to my pussy, what are you doing so slowly
you’re boring my animal, okay, sis, i’m sorry, he said he was slowly stinging
how long have I not eaten for when I was coming in and out, my pressure was freezing, your sister
milli did it, relax hadi, put me in often, hadi diye, I was screaming in the room
it was stinging non-stop, our cries and moans were moaning in the room
we both got married at the same time, and now I’ve decided that he should come to the military
i’m waiting

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